The Chemistry Curriculum is consistent with the NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS that students should meet in order to evaluate science concepts. The Chemistry Curriculum provides opportunities to demonstrate the ability to represent data, explain scientific concepts, investigate problems, use technology and tools and work individually and in groups.
1. Come to class prepared for work. You must have your notebook, your textbook and a writing instrument. 2. Make up all work missed due to class absence. You are responsible for all class work, notes, homework, tests, and quizzes. 3. Homework is an essential part of this course. All assignments, both written and read, are to be completed by due day. It is imperative that the completion of the all assignments be the results of your own efforts. Individual involvement is the only way to develop understanding. 4. If you are having difficulty in Chemistry, report for after-school help. After-school help is always available. Do not let yourself fall behind. It is easier to keep up than to catch up. GET INVOLVED! 5. Typical class activity sequence: A. Review of previous-> B. Presentation of --> C. Preliminary topic or discussion new information demonstration of homework or problems of understanding --------------------------------- 1. Questions 2. Problems 3. Video 4. Demo